Id love to include yours, tooevery article narrated is credited 3+ times per episode (name & site), and our podcasts are all ranked in Apple Podcasts in the Top Charts. So, I am sort of broken myself of the addiction. I have forwarded your contact info to my agent. Id really like to write this review as I thoroughly enjoyed your book and Id be thrilled if youd agree to let me use the image of your book! I was also an English major at Wabash College (20 years ago). About J L Collins These days, I'm a book author and financial blogger on, but it wasn't always so. I recently came across your blog, and am really enjoying my time reading it. looking just at the numbers, Id pay the $5105 cash. As Im just beginning to reallocate my funds to invest in Vanguard ETFs, I do have a question on whether it would be better to invest in VTI (Total Stock Market) or VOO (S&P Index)? His first book, The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life was published in 2016 and has been an international best-seller. And what was the impetus for you to get started sharing what you had learned with a broader audience via your blog and your books? I have been excitedly recommending it to friends and family. Hello! I know it has been a while since your post, but I am curious how you made out with your workshop series. Collins: Jeff, there wasn't a road on Damascus kind of moment. My income is $56k/year and that wont go up significantly unless I switch jobs. My youngest daughter is spending this fall semester in Quito and we will be visiting her during visit week, 7-12 Nov. So, instead, I wrote a summary post covering costs, efficient frontier and why 100% stocks, and pointed the readers to your stock series for elaborate study. Chautauqua 2014: Lightning strikes again! This account is much larger, about $100k. Weve worked the program, simplified our lives, retired a mountain of debt, and hit our number. You are obviously smart enough to mechanically do it. The only time that you benefit is if in fact the market drops, whether it drops suddenly or just drifts lower over that year, then it will work in your advantage. Thank you for you time. 3: i contribute to a 403b where my employer contributes 2%, and contribute to a 529 but wondering if i should also do a traditional ira not sure if i should max out these retirement savings first or once again take care of high interest debt. is soothing and sounds like the kind of father I never had, giving me Lets get some coffee in Amsterdam . Youve sustained a thoughtful dialogue on an important topic via a challenging medium. The Trinity Study and Portfolio Success Rates, StocksPart XXVII: Why I Don't Like Dollar Cost Averaging. MSG Reggie Kalous I was promoted to full-time electrical engineer when I graduated and I worked for about 2 months before I said, NO WAY! Thanks for your help on this! For now, Im still in recovery mode from getting the book done., Haha yeah, you almost had me fooled with the April Fools post! BTW, the easiest sub process ever. I wanted to invest as much as possible and automatic reinvesting is easy. Anyhow, do you think its OK to borrow for school tuition as its an investment and I dont want to cash in my investments. is visiting Mrs. W. V. Atkins. Buy in slowly? PDF. For a refresher: Collins: That's kind of a loaded question there. However, I just dont have to the time to become as involved in your site as you suggest. I think if you change that and said 4% guideline, then you're good, because 4% is not a hard and fast rule. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. My audience is high school teachers and i know they would benefit from your sage advice. Its kinda buried. As I was explaining the ins and outs of your incredibly simple system, I became more and more elated as I realized that we have the good fortune to be able to take control of our future in a way I never thought was possible without hitting the lottery. I am a senior and about to start my working career next year. James Madison High School Access Center. I love the content here on the site and am buying your book this afternoon. Sounds like weve walked a similar path. They are offering payments of $212 per month interest free for 30 months. Well, Brian gives a very succinct explanation of what the Federal Reserve is, certainly more so than I could do off the top of my head. I cannot imagine doing the same to one of my patients. Great to hear this blog lead you to MF and MMM, two of my personal favorites. Im just looking to clarify one thing regard F-U money. I remember, in 2020, I want to say around March, when the market took its very short-lived but pretty dramatic plunge, and my Twitter feed and comments on the blog, too, began to fill up with people saying, JL, you're always saying, stay the course and don't panic and sell. But this time it's different. Hello again Jim! Im trying to figure out how to contact you and all of my comments go to spam. Thank you for sharing the knowledge and information meant for your daughter with the rest of us. You should have 708321 using vtsax and 682679 using s&p 500 index fund . Can I email you directly? That one came out in 2021. s.e., lov 4 ing wife of Sell Collins. It was actually welcomed and consumed. I am grateful to you. Im new to the world of FI and have been binging on podcasts and blogs for the last few months. possible and to always take the path of least resistance. Didnt you write on article on creating a charitable foundation with Vanguard? So, my first thought was, Wow, I wish I'd bought GameStop six months before it took off on its meteoric rise. But, of course, I wouldn't have because I'm not a stock-picker anymore. You are very fun to read and there is the bonus that most of it is informative as well. She also leave* to ft mourn their loss one son. Gear advertisements and other marketing efforts towards your interests. Very often there is no one right answer, there are only different answers for different situations and the most important aspect is making an educated decision for yourself. Thanks for showering us with a simple and unique way of investing. First I would like to thank you for the amazing book it changes my perspective about investing (and hopefully my life in the future ) ! Ive been reading Grant by Ron Chernow, and this passage seemed an apt addition to your F-You Money wonderkammer: Grant didnt care to be president, for he worried about the monetary consequences. It seems to me this person is probably just uploading audio books without respecting copyright claims. My kids asked me to run a series of seminars on my philosophies. When I came across your book, it seemed to me everyone should read it. Since money is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating this complex world we've created, understanding it is critical. What is your take on a possible currency crisis? Loved the book btw. I am 61 and have been investing since my late 20s. I don't see real estate as being a passive investment. Just a quick Thank You. What better person to feature on my blog than you. And that's the case with most speculations. Now that's all easy to say, and it's easy for people to understand in their head. Are you interested in being in a part of our Future Connection Conference project? Best of luck as always, and hope you find your illusive inner-self. COE T340 Prime Power All investments are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal. While Id be happy to consider a discount, unfortunately it is not my call. I'm realizing all we really pay for on our own accounts is food and fancy meals out. Jim hasnt mentioned his FBI connection and a Sundance that we participated in a few years back. I have been in the investment business since 1979, in the mutual fund business (management) and as an advisor ( not a very good salesman since 2000) and I can tell you 99% of the advisors are overpaid. And, if youll be a FinCon, please introduce yourself. So Id fund a Roth followed by taxable accounts. Hi Mike yep, its us. Let me know if you have any concerns. Target Date). Any suggestions for view points would be highly helpful. I recommend it in this post: I was 13 and it paid $1.25 per hour. . Read this book if you want to get your personal finances in order. 3) We dont have total bond index funds here. So, it was just critically important to me that somehow I convey this information to her. Jenat is here. Benz: One area where you run counter to the conventional wisdom is that you're not a big fan of dollar-cost averaging. Sure, you will eventually win if you have many many years and a lot of money you cant touch. I would be delighted to have you interview me and Im honored youd ask. Maybe a quick autograph inside would be super cool as well, Thanks And a key piece of advice that you've given again and again is that people should start out by putting as much as they can into a total stock market index fund. I had done my own mix of funds and had kept it untouched for about 10 years. Wed love to work together. But you may have looked at the blog more recently than I have. Whereas a broad-based index fund is only deploying your money. Would this be a good option, rather than trying to do it myself? With that being said, should I own some precious metals to hedge? Hi Jim, If you look at the Trinity study, a 4% withdrawal rate adjusted for inflation over 30 years is just one of the many scenarios that the study looked at. They will become financially independent, out of rat race and free to do whatever they choose. but I am unable to offer private consolations. Its simply a matter of time. Sure, as long as you cite as the source, go ahead. We max out our company sponsored HSAs every year, but would like to not dip into that money. But in my world, you need to think of it also as a part-time job and whether you try to find a property manager or you manage it yourself. Mr Why925 from whyninetofive. I am so happy to have found you through the Mad Fientist. Should we now pull it all out of American Funds and put it into VTSAX? The comments section has become a bit of a forum for my international readers. Im in my 50s and have always been led to believe that you cant go wrong with real estate and hear people talk about their investment properties . Any idea why you chose to list Kashmir separately? Hi Jim, I view them as an expensive indulgence if you will. Dear Jim, But he asked about risk tolerance and time horizons and all those good things they ask about, and he put me in the Southern Company, which was a utility serving the states in the South, and in Texaco, which, of course, was an oil company that I think has since been absorbed. . So, buy VTSAX, buy as much as you can, whenever you can and hold forever. So there we have it the whole world knows I have DEBT and they know my life story if they've made it through this late night rant. I also request your views on my other articles and participation in my website. . Then we learned that if we invested a certain dollar amount with American, we would pay no sales charges. Im now convinced, thanks to your book and Mr. Merrimans podcasts, that passive investing (through index funds) is the way forward. Tend to disagree about not owning your own home as in Australia we generally have a different mindset but in the end it is just bananas which way you go as the paths are in the same direction. A bunch of authors have given me permission: Mr. Money Mustache, Paula Pant, The Mad Fientist, J. My mother would have liked to think I would be in any event . One way I personally handle this question of ethics is I invest in Vanguard Total Stock index and then I contribute to causes I think are worth and let them do the heavy lifting. My name is Pavlin Yakimov and I am the manager of AMG Publishing, Sofia, Bulgaria. So, you not only want to monitor it so you don't run out, you want to monitor it so you get the maximum benefit from your holdings. I and my husband are working, 35 and 40 respectively. A great example of just what you're talking about. Well, you are here now, and I have 220 notes of advice to process and implement. Thanks, TFR, Hi Jim, My point being, you haven't protected yourself from that drop you fear at all. . Stocks Part XXIX: How to save money for college. Where do you look for wisdom on an ongoing basis? The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life, How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before It Was Fashionable: A Cautionary Tale. So, not only does she not have to worry about those market drops, they can work in her favor. if you wish I can help in order to get translated or released also the italian version of the book, just let me know. They tend not to talk about the Detroits of the world. Youll find the answers to the questions you are asking. If I own a treasury issued by the United States government that is good for 10 years and pays a 3% yield, I can be assured that I will earn my 3% coupon every year for 10 years and then receive my initial investment back at the end of the term (unless the government goes away or defaults and we have a much larger problem). I think youd be a great fit for our affiliate program. StocksPart XIII: The 4% Rule, Withdrawal Rates and How Much Can I Spend Anyway?" As I say, that's not out yet. Once I do that can I then invest the total in VTSAX? My guess is likely not. . I do try to look at the spam folder so the good ones dont get away. But as youll see from the note on that post, I am about to leave the country until April and will be unable to provide the thought and response your questions deserve until then. Ill keep an eye out for more books in the posts. our entire lives. Buy this book on Amazon (Highly recommend) I didnt sell a thing in 2008-09, just continued plugging away and investing with every months paycheck, and was back to my previous valuation within about three years. My sense is we all have emotional issues around money, they just differ. I'm sure I'm missing some other great ones, and my apologies to those authors. An associate of mine said, This is pretty interesting stuff. I shared it with him. Thank you. I think it can be a great investment; it can be a very lucrative investment. I am currently a college student and began investing a couple of years ago. Programs cost on average 80K (with one state program that I may be able to get into that is much less). Regrettably, I cant go it alone. When I married my wife 4 years ago, she had an incredible amount of high-interest debt from years of bad money-management and putting degrees on credit cards. Our main goal is to educate and help the generation Z grow to invest, save, budget, and earn more efficiently. At the end of the day, this may just be a matter of paying the taxes now rather than later, but I would appreciate any input or ideas. Youll never find a wiser advisor with a bigger heart. I read it in one sitting. JL, You have provided a great deal of information for European Vanguard investors, but I am unsure what the best way to invest in any of these non-Vanguard ETFs would be. But, as I say in that post, Im not strongly opposed to it either. I bought a house in Manhattan Beach, CA in 1979 for $97,000. Case Study #3: Let's get Tom to Latin America! I dont really understand much about the bond market however, so Id be really curious what your thinking on the matter is, as Im not sure if Im adding unneeded complexity for little if no gain. Actually, as we talked about earlier, Mr. Bogle brought out his first index fund the same year I started investing, but that didn't benefit me for the reasons we discussed soon enough. And, no, I dont believe were in a doomsday scenario. The simplicity of VTSAX is extremely appealing to me, but is not an option on the TSE. Sometimes you can make money buying, sometimes not. So, I'd be just selecting one or two. Not sure I will be reading your financial guide past page 10. "Why Your House Is a Terrible Investment," by JL Collins,, May 29, 2013. Now that I am living on my portfolio, I have the dividends sent to me. I am 25 years old and planning to invest long term. If so, please kindly let me know if we could receive PDF or reading copy by email for the publishers review and we will get back to you with their feedback. But this is clearly not what happened for you and others recently. Keep writing your blog and educate people like us. Did you buy the place in Ecuador? Perhaps you could ask them for a bulk discount? The simplest solution is usually the correct solution. Just invest the surplus in a simple way. 1989, but I had no idea at the time. We connected on Twitter about publishing your book in South East Asia. While Ive never written to you before, I am moved to do so this time. Unfortunately, I dont have anything to do with the sale of it. This makes me wonder What do you recommend for health insurance once my girlfriend and I hit FI? ( But it's a lot tougher to actually weather a bear market or a crash. The couple. What Im trying to say is you make my girlfriend hot. Such opinions are subject to change. Collins: Well, I think when you look at the research, index funds were not warmly received by the investment community, primarily because the fees are so low. He said, You might want to put this on a blog and share it with your family and friends. This was in 2011. . What format are you planing to use? And so, I'm faced with that very dilemma thinking, am I about to buy at the very peak? I would think that the taxable is a great pool to give to your heirs, given that it will have a step up in tax basis at the time of death. Regardless, ours must remain a platonic relationship. Considering a venture capital fund as less than 1/10th of my after tax portfolio. Im married, so reveal wondrous truth to other half. Thanks! SoThanks! Collins: Jeff, that is the post that has been the most popular in terms of views. This is Hyelim Bae from Sam & Parkers, the publishing house in South Korea. I too worked in the publishing/advertising game, now in real estate. Thanks for the invite to Morocco. He blogs about financial and other matters at Thanks for writing. ls improving . I am a finance professor at UNH and Ive always found it interesting how some finance professors agree with efficient markets until there is money to be made convincing others that there are in fact inefficiencies. Interesting question. and you buy your freedom and your time by virtue of having investments. Another question I have is on the ROTH IRA. So, youre right, were it me, Id just put it in VTSAX and call it a day. Firstly, great website. How I lost money in real estate before it was fashionable, Part I: Impossibly Naive. SO, are you in NH? After reading much of Collins marketing stories, i can tell that he came in at an advantage.being able to travel the world at a young age, being able to leave job when young. Monday of this week, I started researching, I knew we had made huge mistakes with letting our money sit in bonds, I met with 2 financial planners and did hours of research on what they had told me. You can imagine how I felt once I really began to understand compounding. My sense is that most hard core stuff is likely done by private businesses. I'm Christine Benz, director of personal finance and retirement planning for Morningstar. thx. But with that being said Ive not come across a variation of my situation anywhere and I was wondering (well desperately hoping). And, of course, as you alluded to, housing prices have just exploded on the upside over the last couple of years. Sounds like they are offering a 20% discount if you pay cash: I am also married 40 years, and she was around during the ownership of the first Spit, the radio didnt/doesnt work in either Spit, so I guess thats why we are still hitched after all these years and 2 Spitfires!! Or should I keep it with Fidelity and invest in FZROX? Very humorous. If so, is it a good idea to wait buying stocks till market drops such as these occur? It's the one that's garnered me the most hate, and it's the one that's also garnered me the most love. Ptak: I wanted to turn to recent times for a moment, if I could, and I'm curious whether there have been any aha moments, so to speak, for you with respect to financial matters during the pandemic period? I have read every post youve ever created, and I find your style funny, engaging, and right on target. I just kept it with them and rolled it to a rollover IRA. Sam & Parkers is one of major non-fiction publishing house in Korea.Im assistant manager of Foreign Rights Team. And, of course, because I was a novice and didn't know what I was doing, the moment those stocks moved, and I honestly don't remember if they went up and I got greedy and grabbed the immediate profit, or they went down and I got nervous and sold. Do you consider FAs that are have fiduciary responsiblity in the same bucket as the others? Only 1 in 20 actively managed funds managed to beat the S&P index! That helps a lot. Hi Mr. Collins. However, when the market dropped ~30% last February, I still thought it was a good idea to sell half my bonds and exchange them for stocks. I actually read the book, The Simple Path To Wealth, in April 2020. Hi JL, Thanks again for the blog post. My only debt is my mortgage (2.5%). Well, they are now 164and climbing! I find the new S&P 500 catholic values index an appealing alternative. . This is in short supply in todays world, even more so in the online world. For the past 15 years, Ive studied and tried a lot of different things, used different assets. I was wondering if it would be ok for me to use the image of your book. Im another brazilian that has just finnished reading your book, and I can tell you it was another mark in my (short) investment life. However, when I do that, I plan to own the assets myself. A left-over 401k has access to a BlackRock index fund that that seeks to match the performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index with an expense ratio of only 0.0146%. Therefore, 1,250,0000.04 = 50,000. Is that what you really want to do? I do not want to cash in my retirement savings (a target date fund) or my VTSAX. I may be able to work when done for a federal program to repay that loan too. I started my blog in 2011. Christine Benz: Hi, and welcome to The Long View. Im a big fan of Shakespeare, so maybe they could both be taught. ISBN-13: 978-1533667922. Since its ER is lower, of the two this is the one Id buy. Like you, I wish Id had my book then. Im one lucky guy. She is currently a high school junior and she is too busy with school work(5 APs) and extra-curricular activities. I dont want money ou attention, just spread the info in my country. Im now looking at investing in regular intervals. Nor do I have any idea (other than Google) as to where you might turn. I immediately started my position in Vtsax. I have been self-directed my entire life, have made numerous mistakes along the way, I have done fair to good, however, I settled into your approach about 15 years ago. The information seems to be available in German only, however: One type are regular funds and another type that track the S&P but also try to cancel the dollar to shekel rates effect (using forward contracts). All I need is 2 (or more) book recommendations that you feel really inspired you, made you think, or just really spoke to you. This is an interesting question. Do you have any taxable funds recommendations? Our daughter Jessica graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Rhode Island, served in the Philippines with the Peace Corp and is well established in her business career. I was notified of MMM when I was 18 (by an amazing friend of mine) and I sigh still thinking of where Id be now (28 years old) if I fully applied the three golden rules of: Spendings < Earnings (50% or more), investing surplus and avoiding DEBT. I have to say this is the first time anyone has thanked me for making their girlfriend hot. And we split the $5,000 and put it in each of those two stocks. I read somewhere that overtime, this outperformance may fade away. And one of the highest compliments I get from people is that, Wow, I've tried to read a lot of finance books and finally, reading yours, this stuff makes sense. So, that's who I'm writing for. Just take a look at the S&P500 i.t.o. I have my investments with a kind yet confusing broker that was suggested to me by a family member years ago. We have new alternatives that could help you do just that. The email goes on to explain that the new ETFs are Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock ETF (ESGV) and Vanguard ESG International Stock ETF (VSGX). He just opened his first Roth IRA. My second book, How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before it was Fashionable, released in November 2021. VTSAX was created in 2000, but you use other stocks as representations of the market before then? Im going to guess that youll say move it to VTSAX and simplify things in lieu of the small fee savings ($254/$1M). Yes, I know the answer. This is especially important because these documents provide information about fees, advisor education, and investment policies. Olympus, Amsterdam, Bruges, Beziers, Portugal (Lagos, Porto, Douro Valley). A pal of mine once said I had won the family lottery. In one week, I had a 6% increase of the worth of my stocks (which isnt insane, but it still feels odd to gain 1200 in a week while doing nothing for it). And I have a blog post on target-date funds. I figured if I could do that twice a week,or hell,even 5 times a month,I could make it. A lot of it is due to a temporary stress of going through an annoying and expensive divorce but much all has to do with my lack of financial awareness. This advisor put us into American Funds. But then, the longer they were around, the more research about them came out. A home is where you live.. Well, JL, the information you provide in your book as well as your blog give credence to the Occams Razor principle. Is the market more likely to go up over this year, I'm going to do it? Personally, I dont feel the need for international for reasons I outline here: hello from India. Stocks -- Part XIV: Deflation, the ugly escort of Depressions. And my own parents were a good example of that. 1 in 20, and think of all of those management expenses that got paid out as well! What a great site. And I've written my book to be as simple as possible, The Simple Path to Wealth. Hello Jim Im been reading your posts for a long time and using your advice to investing. Hi JL. If you have an emergency, use your credit cards. After a downturn several years ago, my husband and I took money out of the market and put it into cash. You made me realize the following tenet: our past mistakes matter little compared to the decisions we make right now for our future. Your thoughts on home ownership were particularly well put IMO. Im 30 and didnt get my first real-money job until 2013. Doc G was spot on regarding so many points. My office is next to a big name financial advisor, and I get a little sense of pride every time I walk by and DONT go in. Would love to discuss any opportunity to collaborate. The casino wants everybody in the casino to see people winning. JL Collins is one of the best financial bloggers on the web. At our Thanksgiving Table, my wife and I hosted a team of Wildland Firefighters, members of an elite Hotshot crew who worked tirelessly battling fire across the 11 Western States. Benz: Sticking with real estate for a second longer, you mentioned that you're active in the FIRE community, which is the financial independence, retire early group. So we decided to find an investment advisor who could guide us against such reactionary behavior. So Im wondering can you explain what hes talking about here and what his dooms-day scenario might look like, or how it would come about? When you argue for deferring consumption to your later years, lots of people, quite rightfully so, think that it wont be as effective. Stocks -- Part III: Most people lose money in the market. Thanks for everything. So, that's why I diverted 50% of my income over the years to my investments. Vicki comes to Chautauqua: United Kingdom, Chautauqua - Ecuador 2017 open for reservations, Stocks -- Part XXX: jlcollinsnh vs. Vanguard, Reviews of The Simple Path to Wealth; gone for summer. I put it all in VTSAX. No he didnt, but I told him, if he didnt read it and pass it on to his boss by next week, when we talk, I would go to Fidelity with my money he laughed but said he would read it this weekend. Mr Collins, Thank you for your brilliance and humor in Simple Path to Wealth. This article about Vanguard has been popping up a lot on the Internet. It's just that my freedom was more important to me than a fancy house or a fancy car or anything else actually. So, even more of a connection! I was wondering if you were aware that a YouTuber has posted the entire Simple Path To Wealth audio book on their page here: deleted. Im afraid with my travel and other obligations, this means months from now. If so, chose carefully and buy only term-life and then only for as long as you need it. However, 401(k) plans frequently have hidden fees and I tend not to trust investment companies other than Vanguard. My patients now pull it all out of rat race and free to whatever... Else actually blogs about financial and other obligations, this outperformance may away. Say is you make my girlfriend and I am curious how you made me realize following., as long as you can imagine how I felt once I do that, am., should I keep it with them and rolled it to a rollover IRA now, and really. Coe T340 Prime Power all investments are subject to investment risk, including possible loss principal! Advisor education, and my husband are working, 35 and 40 respectively used different assets to the... 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