and our Once call for peace is sounded, you should peace out after a few months as it quickly becomes too expensive in dip to maintain. I recommend annexing any vassal that has no more foreign cores you can take. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. My ally kept Otto busy while I destroyed their navy, and I took forced Tunis/Crete to accept peace by taking their providence and blockading them. So, feel free to jump around in this guide to have it suit your campaign. They still haven't taken out mamluks. This part is for those players who are trying to complete the Unify Islam mission, in which you unite all corners of the vast Islamic world under a single Caliphate once more. After the war ends they will quickly self- destruct through rebellions and other nations invading. They just can't grow to the same extent if they don't have Constantinople. . In case this is where you enter the series, first of all welcome! Thanks for the help :). At the time the achievement fired it was all of France and Netherlands essentially. Right. Who are their rivals? However, the coastal areas are likely up for grabs. After you dealt with Genoa, you can complete the mission Conquer Caffa for a temporary trade power boost in the Black Sea. Its fundamental throughout this guide that you use little diplomatic entanglements to further your conquest. If you had a strong Russia, France, and Austria. If your army has at least 20 Janissary regiments or over 20% of the army is Janissaries, and your stability is negative, you may be facing theJanissary Coupdisaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. Early game there's always the classic no-CB DOW Byzantium strategy. Hungary, Austria, Poland) for free. . Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. Moreover, we need a Moroccan province, Ifni. For your finances throughout this run, trade is instrumental. You can expand this at the cost of reforms or by giving your estates particular privileges. Although they may be weak, theyre sitting on at least one province we need to restore the Caliphate Cordoba- and they may have taken Sicily, where we need two provinces: Palermo and Messina. You can trap their navies and force them out to reduce their naval strength, but thats completely optional. Their military modifiers will be much weaker in the late game usually. You are using an out of date browser. Really, it's all about planning your idea groups to maximize the quality of your army. I cant forget to mention the use of trade companies at this point. Otto was huge though and Lithuania was getting routed, but I knew that was going to happen. With a strong navy you can win half the war (or more accurately, 25%, because that's what you'll get for fully blockading them). Just make sure you can control your allies, and that their armies aren't so small as to be wiped instantly by the Ottoman hordes. great project. Most states are weak, meaning you can diplomatically conquer most of them.. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission toConquer Al-Ahsa. Just tried this out but the blasted PLC AI was hell bent on losing and had to delete the save since I'd already given up half my country to separate peace Aragon. For more information, please see our After finishing up Sicily and Morocco, you can cross the Strait of Gibraltar and siege Spain itself. I'm around the same size as the Ottomans now, but their total units are 173k compared to my 49k. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, takeNaval Ideasto give yourself an edge. A country Im supposed to take over is allied with a bigger and stronger country. There we have it the end of our EU4 guide, as we made the Ottomans easy! This war can be tricky since Hungary could have a high discipline. Give the UlemaUlema Land Rights, the Merchant GuildsMerchand Guild Land Rights, and the DhimmiDhimmi Land Rights. You'll generally need a good amount of mercenaries. Who're they allied to? I just needed to buy enough time to take Tunis/Crete out of the equation. Keep some stacks in Europe and the Middle-East, to combat any Spanish troops should they decide to do a naval invasion. Ideally, you managed to cripple the Spanish armies trapped in Morocco, so the Spanish may not put up much of a fight. Don't just make it all Light Ships. The next time they declare war on them, I will also declare war. Avoid tough wars by using Spains diplomatic commitments! You must log in or register to reply here. I always do a little DLC recommendation to make the run more fun previously I recommended Cradle of Civilization and Rights of Man. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. You can beat them as an immediate neighbor or as someone who doesn't border them for centuries. Last game i played as france and struggled to fight the ottoman military, simply from the overwhelming manpower. What matters is a province's development for force limit, manpower, tax income, etc. Watch if you can either go around it by declaring war on an ally, vassalizing the state instead, or ask it kindly to break its alliance using the Great Power status. You can assign far-flung territories to trade companies to help you bring in some extra ducats. Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. Make the war goal something I can take and defend easily; the goal is not to defeat them utterly as they have ridiculous numbers to be able to siege them out completely at first. I am playing as Venice , Ironman, Beta 1.13 . You can run up their war exhaustion very easily. Ottomans tend to move a 50k stack alone , they move it without having some reinforcements nearby.So you can easily attack this 50k stack and maybe stack wipe it. (Commonwealth). The Ottomans have both quality and quantity, which is what makes them so scary. Currently Spain. Engage when you have a clear advantage and use your massive amounts of vassals. Numbers don't mean a whole lot when you can't fight quality+co and offensive for a +15% discipline is good (discipline boost tactics too, so its very good). Spain will be the toughest nut youll have to crack in this entire campaign and kind of the final boss of this EU4 Ottomans guide. Simply take some Spanish lands and repeat after the truce timer runs out. I have a good navy and army but I definitely can't beat them alone. If Warscore is left make them pay war reperations (remember that you also get 10% from every loan they take, so rebuilding is a bit harder for them) and release countries. This war can be tricky, so it can be useful to curry favors with important allies that can distract the Spanish, like France, Russia, Britain, or even Bohemia, Scandinavia, or Naples. All of this conquest you can do diplomatically, but dont be afraid to declare war if you want things to be a little quicker. Genoa and Venice still hold on to some of our rightful territories. By outsmarting Hungary, the Mamluks, and Venice, we became the undisputed ruler of the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Levant. I played a Russia campaign a couple of weeks back, and attacked the Ottomans a lot late mid-game to late game, and I used my ally Spain to crush their armies (they easily won battles against the Ottos while being outnumbered 2:1). Especially if you got France on your side, the Spanish got a bigger fish to fry, so the heartland lies right open. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) Definitely the Sultan of Rumneeds you to core Rome, Moscow, and Istanbul. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. With both of them weakening, I swooped in and strengthened my position in the Balkan. Prussian troops stackwipe Ottos easy in the 1600s. I usually like to set out goals. I was sowing discontent Ottoman Empire right from the get go, but at this point I started funneling my extremely large treasury into supporting the Ottoman rebellion. Press J to jump to the feed. Press J to jump to the feed. You can also take some cash from these extremely wealthy merchant republics. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. Purchase some mercenaries in Benghazi and siege down at least one of Fezzans provinces, like Sirt. I would recommend defensive idea group and drill your armies !!!! I also guaranteed the Moroccans, to prevent Spain from consolidating its foothold in the Meditteranean. You may be able to take the Nile Delta, but this could be too expensive at this time. Note :In The runs with Prussia and Great Britain I beat the Ottomans in the last 10-20 years of the campaign, And another thing that I forgot to mention. I prefer to leave Ethiopia alone for most of the run, and simply conquer around them. If Byzantium was at war with the Ottomans, you now become the war leader and can call in all of your strong allies (e.g. Getting the war goal and war score to go up, gives the chance for a good peace deal which makes them weaker and every following war with them easier. It may not display this or other websites correctly. When you attack a mountain, or a fort, or -worse- a mountain fort, you have a good chance to be defeated. You also take 60%+ of their trade income with this deal. If you don't have either of these or any dlc, don't worry about religion). The Ottomans will have pretty good discipline, a large manpower pool and a good economy for mercs. Tell them not to get called into their stupid offensive wars so that youre not caught off guard. I had a mighty Spain to deal with that expanded deep into North Africa and threatened my expansion plan. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Here are some of the issues I encountered, as well as how you can act on them, should the situation arise. Integrate the vassal after theyve cored all of Sudan for you since hanging on to Ethiopia will be trouble for them. Hungary, Austria, Poland) for free. form italy (maybe with milan first cause of the sweet ideias), go quantity offensive defensive. Soon enough, Ottoman Empire was just busy quelling rebellion rising in half the provinces and all I had to do was siege. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. The Serbians, Bulgarians and Greeks can easily be swayed to revolt if you let the Ottomans drown in war exhaustion, keep them occupied, wait for the rebels to rise up, then sign a peace and let them deal with the problem. Make sure to take the cities ofAdenandMasqatas soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission to. Basically, you get some strong allies for yourself. The country is mountainous and can be tricky to conquer or divert resources to, especially if you need them against Spain. The guide also assumes that players know the basics of the game, such as constructing buildings, managing armies and finances, and conquering new territory. Set them as a nation of interest and pay close attention to their wars. Moreover, it will anger our next target of expansion: Tunis. Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. When dealing with a large nation, core conquest is a very viable tactic. After that, make Paris a state and assign a Pasha to it in the corresponding maintenance screen. . Not to mention their ability to tech like hell. When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. You may be able to take the Nile Delta, but this could be too expensive at this time. After that, make Paris a state and assign a Pasha to it in the corresponding maintenance screen. But other than that i think army management in Eu4 is nice. Without forts, their lands will capitulate very fast and leave them indefensible, whether vs the likes of Ramazan/Mameluks or even yourself in the next war. The only way to stop the Ottomans is to overwhelm them on multiple fronts, since their armies are pretty much always superior to any other nations, even when massively outnumbered. I declared war on Morocco, which they had guaranteed. From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. When the achievement is complete, you move to a new campaign, the year when you end is not important. Sometimes even the mighty Ottomans get in over their head. The QQ exploded in my case and gave birth to an independent Kurdish state, Soran. Before declaring war, see if there are any vassals you can annex. Its useful for you to grab important Caucasus provinces early. Don't get confused by map size. Are the Mamluks still around? Then, take 100% worth of war score demands on top of those rebel enforcements, including annulling their treaties. I decided to take Crete as well, but not yet more of Dalmatia. Since you cant annex vassals during the war, use your moments of peace to start the process. It's the transport ships that give me headache. This has a simple reason: Spain. Always check whether someone is willingly letting itself be annexed by you. I'd take Constantinople and Edirne so you have a land block of the Bosporus and the Ottos can't move their troops through. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. Were in another race for influence this time in North Africa, against a much more formidable foe! To fully take advantage of their situation, you should wait until they are engaged in a war. Even if you don't plan to attack them, using this tatic will slow their development as you keep them from taking Constantinople (or Byzantium, or Istanbul, if you will). Proceed to stomp the Ottomans, and get them to return all Byzantine cores. Build strong Alliances around the Ottomans so you can call them in when they are weak. their armies are pretty much always superior to any other nations, even when massively outnumbered. If you need a repeatable method, dont annex Morocco after youre done. They are inferior later on. This part of the guide may look completely different from mine. By giving them Mosul, I was able to vassalize them. The AI is really pretty terrible, even a mediocre player shouldn't have that much trouble beating them. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. In my case, Hungary got into a war with Austria, which saw both their units occupied. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the basics of EU4 while building upon them through actual gameplay. If they also lag in mil tech you've got 'em on the ropes. After that you can trucebreak and catch their troops between you and and the rebels. And dont forget to fabricate a claim, of course. The earlier you consolidate around here, the better it is for you. You can now complete the missionsControl the DanubeandConquer Transsylvania, but dont complete them just yet. It's probably a bit late now anyway, once I finish my first game I'm getting a couple of the DLCs and probably not playing as Lithuania again. Another front for you to not worry about! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The Ottomans historically had issues expanding into Persia. You can beat them in the early, middle, or late game. They have massive armies, often blob out of control and usually have strong alliances. needs you to core Rome, Moscow, and Istanbul. What do I do? All my games are achievement runs. Going to war with them when they are in another big-ish war on another front helps a lot. Make your way towards the Holy Roman Empire to go there where the real-life Ottomans couldnt: Vienna. Moscow is a tougher nut to crack focus on core conquest to make your way into Russia and take the city. The Ottomans in 1444 are a regional power, in the process of securing control over Anatolia and the Balkans. Keep some stacks in Europe and the Middle-East, to combat any Spanish troops should they decide to do a naval invasion. Helping out AI friends and building up long term rivalries and friendships can break the monotony. Their military modifiers will be much weaker in the late game usually. Its also important to consolidate your holdings at home. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. What nation are you playing as? Also I'm a scrub. I knew espionage as last idea group and I figured it wasn't worth it, but wanted to try it anyway for fun. If youre allied to Naples, call them in only now. Thats right Europe seemed to have forgotten what weve been doing to the other states, so its time for a friendly reminder. all are full except expansion. Then you declare war on Byzantium a few years after 1444 and pray the Ottomans do so too after you. Itd give me a serious coalition I dont want to face yet. ThroughHumanistideas andTradeideas, you can make your country less prone to revolt and wealthier. We need at least one province deep Persian territory Samarkand. as soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. Ottomans also tend not to upgrade forts so it's relatively quick sieging. I took most of the Levant, snaked my way to Medina, got some more land in the Nile Delta, and cleaned up my African borders. 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