IN JESUS MIGHT NAME., Jesus. will-remember-bill-gates-hint-its-not-windows-8 . When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. In early June, GAVI reported thatMastercards Wellness Pass program would be adapted in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Hmm, WikiLeaks Shows George Soros Controlling Vote With 16 States Using SmartMatic Voting Machines, False Teacher Beth Moore Endorses The Late Term Partial-Birth Abortion Candidate Crooked Hillary, 2022 NOW THE END BEGINS | NTEB | SITE BY MUDFLOWER CREATIVE MEDIA, And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. "The Gavi-Mastercard partnership is using Wellness Passonly to achieve important public goals and not for any commercial purposes," said the organization in the same statement to USA TODAY. Listen to just a few of the recent comments we have gotten: Nothing thrills my soul like teaching the word of God, it is what the Lord called me to do 29 years ago, and Now The End Begins is the vehicle in which I am able to do it. "There is nothing about this solution that means someone who doesn't get vaccinated won't get money or food," confirmed Alisdair Haythornthwaite, senior vice president of Thought Leadership and Policy Communications at Mastercard, in an email to USA TODAY. The foundation formed GAVI and has given it $1.5 billion of. I have been receiving his emails for years now and always enjoy his Sunday night messages although I dont always think exactly as he thinks. This is a grift: Gates investments in mRNA vaccines reveal conflict of interest. Microsoft founder Bill Gates is a rich man. There is a lot of confusion , but your ministry is putting scripture in the right prospective. It is an enormous grift and one that is incredibly common., Zients was formerly the Biden administrations COVID czar and publicly pushed for universal vaccination. Africa to Become Testing Ground for Trust Stamp Vaccine Record and Payment System, Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream II, Openly Pro-Israel Tech Group Now Has Control over UKs Most Sensitive National Security Data. Bill Gates last week saying the vaccines dont block transmission, theyre not broad and they have a very short duration. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, June 16, ", National Conference of State Legislatures, June 26, ". I was not Word Faith but I was feeding off his teaching. Thank you for all your work and effort, you are doing an amazing job. In November 2021, Mastercard, Gavi and the Ministry of Health of Mauritania signed a framework agreement and on 17 December 2021 the first pilot of the Wellness Pass project was officially launched. Speaking Jan. 25 on The Hill TVs Rising, co-hosts Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave addressed Gates statements. The program will be introduced in West Africa and will be tied to the COVID-19 vaccine to be made mandatory in 2021. He called for greater global cooperation using the Covid-19 pandemic as an example of how countries could improve on their response if they worked together. Cashless payments may become routine in a post-pandemic society. However, they were the latest in a string of developments in recent weeks that have increasingly called the COVID-19 vaccines, in particular, into question. What joy and peace has flooded my heart! Bill Gates 2.93M subscribers Subscribe 48K 2.1M views 4 years ago Bill and Warren meet up at Hollywood Candy in Omaha's Old Market. , Geoffrey has the best End Times News out there. The same goes for our15,900 followers on Twitter. By the end of 2020, Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, had <2500 PCR-confirmed cases corresponding to 0.1% of the ~1.8 million national population. God bless you., I give because not many news outlets are brave enough or Godly enough to tell these stories from a Christians point of view. I pray that the Lord will bless you abundantly in your ministry, and your loved ones too. Manager, Country Support - West & Central Africa (Maternity) ". The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. Mon 13 Jun 2011 10.58 EDT. All states provide medical exemptions and some allow religious or personal belief exemptions. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number, Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;, Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.. Thanks for all that you do., The sole purpose of this email to you is to let you know how much we have been blessed by your amazing ministry/website. I absolutely love your way of teaching the scriptures. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his numberisSix hundred threescoreand six. Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB). For instance, contact tracing software originally introduced as part of the COVID-19 response has since been used by police departments across the track protestersduring the countrys recent bouts of protests and civil unrest. Proof Of George Soros Nazi Past Finally Comes To Light With Discovery Of Forgotten Interview, DEAD POOL DIVA: Huma Abedin Kept Those Hillary Emails That The FBI Found In A Folder Marked Life Insurance, Crooked Hillary Campaign Used A Green Screen At Todays Low Turnout Rally In Coconut Creek FL, SORE LOSER: George Soros Declares War On America As Violent MoveOn.Org Protests Fill The Streets, Donald Trump Will Be 70 Years, 7 Months And 7 Days Old On First Full Day In Office As President, If Hillary Is Not Guilty, Then Why Are Her Supporters Asking Obama To Pardon Her? Click here for media and press enquiries. Isaiah 40:31 (KJV), Love the Sunday night bible study. Bill Gates is Americas largest farmland owner, and what he intends to grow on all that land is nothing short of a horror show. . We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting the work of Now The End Begins bypurchasing a boxof these full-color, high-quality gospel tracts. But they could also create an entirely new problem, claims a Facebook post. GAVI/Global Fund Begin Vaccine Delivery Africa Receives First Delivery of GAVI/Global Fund Vaccines Media contact Phone: 206-709-3400 Mail: Joseldo Massango UNICEF Maputo Phone: +258.1.491.023 Liza Barrie UNICEF New York Phone: +1.212.326.7593 Yasmin Zaman UNICEF Maputo Phone: +258.1.491.023 The Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment, . Because of the vast preponderance of Bible verses with the numbers 20, 21 and 22 all pointing to the end of the Church Age. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, if I was a date setter, which I am not, but if I was I could make a pretty good case for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 being the last 3 years before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place, with the time of Jacobs trouble starting in 2023 and ending in 2030. "Also, Wellness Pass has no connection to any systems that provide money to the immunized children or their families to purchase essential goods.". The push to implement biometrics as part of national ID registration systems has been ongoing for many years on the continent and has become a highly politicized issuein several African countries. According to Stuckelberger, Switzerland is at the heart of the corruption, largely thanks to it being the headquarters for GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, founded by Bill Gates. July 16, 2020 bigtechtopia Africa, Bill Gates, digital currency, GAVI, Mastercard, vaccines A new biometric identity platform partnered with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments, and potential law enforcement applications. CLICK TO ORDER YOUR NTEB STREET PREACHING GOSPEL TOOL KIT WITH JOHN 3:16 KJB COVID MASK! Trust Stamps interest in providing its technology to both COVID-19 response and to law enforcement is part of a growing trend where numerous companies providing digital solutions to COVID-19 also offer the same solutions to prison systems and law enforcement for the purposes of surveillance and predictive policing.. May God bless you abundantly to the end my dear brother ROMANS: 8: 36,37,38, I met you at the car dealership earlier this year. Similarly, Mastercards GAVI partnership is directly linked to its World Beyond Cash effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash. Here is wisdom. Trust Stamps biometric identity system, largely funded byMastercards massive investmentin the company in February, utilizes a technology it calls Evergreen Hash that creates an AI-generated 3D mask based on a single photo of a persons face, palm or fingerprint. Policies with regard to COVID-19 vaccination remain to be seen, but regardless, there is no evidence to suggest vaccine refusal or exemption will inhibit one's financial abilities. After Africa it will be launched in Europe, Asia and then the United States. Only a small percentage of the data that originally existed is in the hash, Trust Stamp CEO Gareth Genner has stated. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. We have been warning you night and day since March that this was coming, now its here, the first iteration of Bill Gates fever dream masterpiece of a vaccine tied to digital identification. <br><br>Joe joins Institut Pasteur de Dakar from Mologic, an innovative life science and biotechnology company transformed in 2021 to . The card will be linked to a phone number so appointment reminders can be sent. It is unclear how much the Wellness Pass initiative is motivated by public health concerns as opposed to free market considerations. As early as April 2021, Gates received flak for expressing his reluctance about sharing COVID-19 . For that, and for the work you are doing for the Kingdom of God, I sayThank you and God Bless You., I really enjoy the emails and Bible studies! Did the CIA Set Up NSA Leaker Reality Winner? (Places like Revelation 3:20-22, Revelation 22:20,21, and a couple dozen more besides that). Such statements came as a surprise to some in light of Gates longstanding support of and investments in vaccine manufacturers and organizations promoting global vaccination. "Plan for the future: If you don't get vaccinated with ALL vaccines child and adult you will not be able to get money or purchase anything including food," asserts text above anapparent news article, "Vaccine Companies Partner with Mastercard to Merge Vaccines with Cashless Money System.". Children, especially those living in the most remote, impoverished communities, lack immunization records, said Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in a December 2018 press release. Genner also explained ina recent press releasethat the unique hash is capable of evolving as a new hash with updated health information is created every time a child or individual gets a vaccine. But whatever you do, dont do nothing. The program, which was first launchedin late 2018, will see Trust Stamps digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard Wellness Pass, a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linkedto Mastercards click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. READ MORE. Bill Gates is a criminal madman who must be arrested and tried for "crimes against humanity" and attempted "genocide" through vaccines, according to a speech by firebrand Italian lawmaker . Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting centralized record keeping of childhood immunizationalso describes itselfas a leader toward a World Beyond Cash, and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. Around a month later, Mastercardannounced thatTrust Stamps biometric identity platform would be integrated into Wellness Pass as Trust Stamps system is capable of providing biometric identity in areas of the world lacking internet access or cellular connectivity and also does not require knowledge of an individuals legal name or identity to function. . Around a month later, Mastercard announced thatTrust Stamps biometric identity platform would be integrated into Wellness Pass as Trust Stamps system is capable of providing biometric identity in areas of the world lacking internet access or cellular connectivity and also does not require knowledge of an individuals legal name or identity to function. (Natural News) A public-private partnership between the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, . But whatever you do, dont do nothing. Now why on earth would anyone with a brain want these vaccine?? According to the CDC, "All states require children to be vaccinated against certain communicable disease as a condition for school attendance"; this mandate covers children attending public and private schools, and day care facilities. A COVID-19 vaccination could be among the many documented in the digital immunization. I was reading devotional from Kenneth Copeland and during that time you had really hit That ministries hard. Digital identity capabilities from Trust Stamp are now being integrated with Mastercard's Wellness Pass solution, which it will launch in cooperation with Gavi in West Africa. Theres your 7 years in a nice, neat little package. Opposition to similar projects in Africa often revolves around the costs surrounding them, such as the biometric voter management system that the Electoral Commission of Ghana has been trying to implement ahead of their 2020 general election in December. Anything that Bill Gates is for, you be against. In 2009, the GAVI Alliance was recognized as an international institution and granted total blanket immunity. Centralization of immunization records will also allow local governments to assess vaccinationprograms and adjust accordingly. These programs would not be possible without your generous support. READ MORE. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 (KJB). We is my wife and I, in our early forties, 3 kids, professing, churchgoing, bible believing Christians in The Netherlands. In the meantime on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, Bill Gates and his Goalkeepers 2030 Agenda is something you absolutely need to know about, all this and more! Hi Geoffrey and staff, Today is my one year anniversary that I got saved on your podcast! Bill Gates and his GAVI Vaccine Alliance rolling out TrustStamp biometric identification combining a vaccine with digital ID in West Africa with MasterCard. Once this mask is created, much of the original data is discarded and encryption keys are created in place of a persons name or other more traditional identifiers. The Gates Foundation's largest grants for healthcare in Africa go to two organizations: the Global Fund and Geneva-based GAVI. By the end of this century there will be 4 billion more people on Earth - and 3 billion of these extra souls . Time is short and we need your help right now. Similarly, a controversial Israeli tech firmcurrently being used in Rhode Island offers AI-powered predictive analytic to identify likely future COVID-19 hotspots and individuals likely to contract COVID-19 in the future, while also offering governments the ability to predict future locations of and participants in riots and civil unrest. God Bless You , also your Ministry and your family. The Gavi-Mastercard Wellness Pass, with Trust Stamp's technology, is to be released in West Africa. In June 2020, Mastercard announced Trust Stamp, an artificial intelligence-powered biometric startup, would also be involved in the project. With the pandemic we were foolish not to have the tools, the practice and global capacity to be on standby like we do with fire or earthquakes.. Indeed, the GAVI alliance, largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned withimproving the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products, rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website. Welcome to Day 931 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve. Those tested will be poor, uneducated Africans who don't have a clue. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is a public-private partnership committed to saving children's lives and protecting people's health by increasing equitable use of vaccines in lower-income countries. 01 At a Glance Role: Technical Director/Deputy Chief of Party, Gavi Location: Washington, D.C. USA; remote possible or in the any of the Project Countries Reports to: Chief of Party, World Vision RAISE 4 Sahel, Gavi When it comes to COVID-19 vaccination, states may have the authority to mandate vaccination but itlargelyremains to be seen what states mayrequire. May God bless you always. Gavi, the global vaccine alliance backed by the Gates Foundation, has raised $8.8 billion from world leaders and companies. He has put some of that wealth toward charitable organizations and initiatives through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gavi, (officially "Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance", originally the "Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization") was established in 2000. Cette semaine j'ai assist au Forum d'Affaires Niamey, #Niger, au carrefour entre l'Afrique du Nord et du Sud du Sahara, un veritable hub naturel pour Mastercard in partnership with GAVI West Africa are developing COVI-PASS, a health passport for persons who have been vaccinated against COVID-19. LGBTQIA+ Affirming Pope Francis Says That Gays Should Be Welcomed Into The Church And That God Loves Them Just The Way They Are, But Does He? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is reported to be one of the wealthiest private charitable foundations in the world. At what point do you understand that hes the bioterrorist? How exciting it is to be able to teach the Bible to tens of thousands of people per year. God has brought me, in salvation, to Himself as well, through His love and mercy and grace in salvation. We have a Gospel Billboard program. That represents an enormous impediment to Gavis mission of ensuring that every child worldwide receives the essential vaccines they need to survive and thrive. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. CLICK NOW TO HELP US SEND THOUSANDS OF KING JAMES BIBLES INTO JAIL, PRISONS AND DETENTION CENTER ALL ACROSS AMERICA!! I already subscribed. In that short time we spoke, I experienced from youa total strangerpeace, joy, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love. Thank you so much Geoffrey, from the bottom of my heart. The post, shared by Australian Vaccination-risks Network, anonprofit Australia-based anti-vaccination organization, has received over 230 shares and 250 interactions since July 27. On our Sunday and Wednesday night radio bible study, we are preaching and teaching the gospel of the grace of God, rightly divided and dispensationally correct, to a truly global audience who is hungry for the word. It is co-chaired by Bill Gates, and claims to have already helped vaccinate 822m children in the world's poorest countries against other diseases. Your page and your testimony were a blessing to me this morning as I came across it for the first time. However, Soave who on Jan. 19 revealed Facebook files indicating the CDC significantly influenced content moderation and censorship on the platform pertaining to COVID-19 vaccines then pointed out Gates prior investments that contributed to the development of mRNA vaccine technology. April 2021, Gates received flak for expressing his reluctance about sharing COVID-19 Foundation formed GAVI and given. Compassion, and your testimony were a blessing to me this morning as i came ACROSS it for first... Received flak for expressing his reluctance about sharing COVID-19 youa total strangerpeace, Joy, kindness, gentleness compassion! The best End Times News out there is short and we need your help right.! 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