Then, he pulls out a marker and starts drawing on your face, giving you Hitlers full mustache. Can I request a Dating Namjoon but being friends with BTS list thingy? Seokjin hadnt said anything when he noticed youd fallen asleep. Lets just not get into any trouble today., You should really be careful. Who cares what society says about eyebrows and being on fleek?, and then, are you going to get a permanenteyebrow tattoo?, I dont know, (Y/N). " You'll feel so much better tomorrow. Hes gone, right? V: Yoongi was at the studio with Namjoon. BTS when you walk outside with only a towel around you in front of the other members. J-hope: Agreed. and reading ****** fanfic on ao3. #seokjin He pushed you over slightly, rolling his eyes. Gifs are not mine, credits to the owners! Hence we can conclude thatJimin has thick chubby lips. BTSClub Korea tells the chubbiest or the thickest part of each BTS. So, please dont focus on yourflaws but learn to reenforce your mind to see the positives in you! The day you both decided was going to be a very lazy day. BTS Scenarios - BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat, You being thick/chubby in 2023, BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat Video 2023. The second time you woke him up sleep talking he leaned over and woke you up. Taehyung: He was used to cuddling with you when the two of you fell asleep together. when did this happen??? His fists hit against the wood of the bathroom door. Jungkook: All the ladies only wanted to reproduce with him. Thank u. You hungry?" WAKE UP! Or he was smirk and bite his lip cuz now hes just some sexy beast..which one floats your boat. He opened the closet and first thing he came across was a notebook. He wouldnt tell you, hed simply sulk, throwing comments here and there. * J-Hope: Aww. #jimin Child: Neigh. He kissed your forehead softly and put a blanket over the both of you, before getting the rest you both deserve. What he does to see your beautiful smile, He catches you read/writing a fanfic about him, You fangirl over another member/ He gets jealous, You Text Them Early in the Morning for Food, When your child gets in trouble at school. Hed chuckle and say come here and open his arms for you to fall in. I LOVE YOU TOO! If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay up to date with all of our latest content. You nodded and he turned off the lamp on his desk and grabbed a blanket off to the side. Although we came to know that Jimin had thick chubby lips. Lets go. (Bold? However, he wouldnt interfere directly because as much as it may annoy him he still knows that at the end of the day you love him and only him. The story is really good." Whilst Namjoon was showering, you opened your silk robe to reveal the lingerie you had gotten not long ago. #rapmonster Seokjin: Youd fallen asleep on him during movie night, your head resting against his shoulder as you snored quietly. You missed your boyfriend. Jin: Hed been awake for some odd reason when he heard you mumbling. Hoseok sees you soundly asleep and falls down on the edge of the couch where you feet is. Rap Monster: Okay, repeat after me Jimin has no jams Jagiya, no, no, dont be like that! He found it beautiful and really wanted to learn what you were saying. Ill buy you dinner., This is my favorite choreography, (Y/N) teacher. Jungkook: Go away Yoongi you cried out Why dont you date one of them Yoongi? Jagiya~ Why arent you eating? he asked as he placed his chopsticks down. Once he sees that youre asleep, he laughs and rubs your head.Y/N, you shouldve said something if you were tired. He wraps you around his arm and gently soothes your hair, embracing you with his scent. A sigh left your parted lips as you looked at your body. It was just the first chapter, "this is interesting, can we keep reading." (Y/N)! He calls out from the doorway. I just.. love it., Is this a good wink, (Y/N) teacher? I only want you! he yelled rather angered and before you could answer he crashed his lips into yours, you melted effortlessly into the kiss. Thanks for the request but before we start, Id just like for you to know that youre beautiful just the way you are and you dont need no man, woman (or BTS) to tell you that! I love you, not IU, I dont care if youre a little thicker, she may of been my idol type but that was until I found you, you replaced her in an instant and you didnt even have to try his tears soon ran dry. Jungkook: He was trying really hard not to wake you up to tell you to shut up. Jungkook:Youd be sitting next to each other and slowly youd be falling asleep. He finds the actions so cute and endearing every time you do it. We love you Kim Jonghyun, and without you the world is just a little darker. #jungkook #jin Jimin: Okay after me. Seokjin had the TV playing in the background, but neither of you were paying much attention to it. "Yes oppa." Hi!~ Could I request how BTS would react to having a really clumsy girlfriend, who constantly hits parts of her body on anything in the household, such as tables, chairs, open doors ^^ thanks in advance! It hurt what he said, but you knew he was really insecure too. Isnt that why theyre there?, Hello, Anon! He looked at your laptop wide open with Wattpad on. *, Jimin: Hey Ill show you my abs if you go out with me. He started laughing and turned to see your smile but was met by your relaxed sleeping face. I like how you read scenario about me too.". Jimin: He was incredibly excited to hear you speak in your mother language. I love you too Y/N. Jungkook: He woke up to the feeling of you nuzzling your face into his back, your arms wrapping around him lazily. I love you Y/N~. Its fixed! Im just as clumsy., Maybe we should baby proof the whole house, Youre adorable, (Y/N) but please just be more careful., Do you want to try wear a body guard? lol. Jimin: He wasnt too annoyed with the sleep talking. Hope youre enjoying my reactions and scenarios! Jin got home from work and seen you studying for your upcoming exams. "Jin at least take your clothes off" you laughed taking his jacket off. You had nothing to do because Jungkook was going to be at the dance studio with JHope and Jimin. Its a sad day for everyone in the Kpop family. Dont even think about it Jungkook, Ive had enough of being your second best you got up off the bed and walked out the bedroom, heading towards the front door to grab your jacket as tears began too run more than before. He finally put his pillow between the two of you. "They say when you fall in love you can't fall asleep, but now that I've met you I feel like I finally can." A University AU where Jungkook and Taehyung become roommates. (12/100), Seokjin:I get it, (Y/N). In an instant Jimin realised what he had said, he quickly pulled you into a hug placing kisses down your neck slowly. Pretty Please? You tried playing video games and watching a movie but you just couldn't. NahOriginal idea? It was before MONO was released and these are just the test. Yeah will you go out will me? As soon as you heard Namjoon open the bathroom door you quickly closed your robe and climbed into bed under the covers. How BTS would cuddle yourequest- Can you please do a scenario of how the members of BTS would like to cuddle you or what it would be like when they did (I'm feeling cuddly because it . Cuddled up in bed with Jungkook, you were both watching the tv and soon IU appeared on the screen, you tilted your hear up slightly to look at him watching the screen in complete awe. As you reached for the door handle he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned you to the wall, tears now falling down over his cheeks. Heck yeah, you're comfortable enough to pass out on him. J-hope: 1 Jimin has always been the sweetest person you've known. Park Jae-Eon the admin of BTSClub Korea, we're not a team but the family. I love you too. Its all because of me, isnt it? V: Uhm, human, fell in love. "That you read about me." whomst the fuck??? But can we please just go to the hospital? You were about to go to bed and he was staying the night but he fell asleep beside you cuddling your side. Thanks for your request! My abs will make this pain go away. When you finally wake up and catch him staring full on at your face with a big grin on his face, all he says is, Good morning, beautiful!, Jungkook dries his hair with a towel. You:C-Cant breathe. Taehyung smiled at your sleeping form. "ChimChim! Youd just whine, just wanting to sleep. He might not even remember that you hit him in the middle of the night when he woke up the next morning. You were about to go to bed and he was staying the night but he fell asleep beside you cuddling your side. He came back and laid next to you just telling you stories until you fell asleep, but he still kept talking until he did too. #taehyung Not an hour in and you were tired and exhausted. However, when he realized you had been asleep the entire time, he simply laughed, wrapping his arm around you in return. You: Jimin you have a tummy now. and Jungkook would just kind of be in shock hes like??? Im just quite not sure., How do you dance so well, (Y/N) teacher? Namjoon stretches in his chair, forgetting where the time has gone. That hurt you even more than before. You: Uh yeah. My sunshine and I love him. He understood that the two of you were good friends and that he always got to go over to your place and take you out on dates and hang out with you whenever he wanted to and that J-Hope couldnt do all of those things. He sighed and picked you up while laying you next to him on the couch and sleeping. Before you know it, your eyes have fallen shut. He was working and humming or softly singing the lyrics of how they would go and his breathy voice made you very sleepy and tired. I cant have you getting hurt! He joins you on the bed, flopping down next to you and pulling his phone out of his pocket.Im gonna play some games on my phone for a bit. He makes room for you to rest against his stomach. As soon as you left the venue he pulls you into the first empty hallway, pushing you against the wall, trapping you with his body. You couldn't help but blush and scream. Hello, Anon! Feeling tears start to fall down your cheeks you pulled out of his arms, earning you his gaze. To the anon who requested this, thank you so much! I have to get some things for work tomorrow. *nervous laugh*. He sometimes felt that you enjoyed J-Hopes company more than you enjoyed his own. You took his jacket rom the sofa and sat on his lap and put the jacket over you like a blanket. The world has no new people. Tae got up and read the note and sat down on the couch. You shook of your blushing and made him read the scenario. Jungkook: Oh no. You were both having too much fun to sleep and you both never wanted it to end. Jin: Hed been sitting on the couch with you, listening to you talk, when you suddenly switched languages. :) Taehyung: you would already be cuddling while watching some comedy or a childrens movie. You heard a voice behind you and you stopped. Unsure if youre acting or really asleep, he calls out your name. However, when he had finally fallen asleep and you kicked him causing him to wake up, hed had enough. A small giggled escaped him. He simply smiled, making you more comfortable and putting a blanket over you. Is this genetics? wow???? Taehyung stayed up, wanting to see you fall asleep to make sure you were okay before falling asleep himself. Park Jae-Eon is a fan who wants to make this BTSClub Korea be the biggest BTS fan club. So tonight you decided to wait up for Taehyung and you hoped maybe you could talk or maybe spend some time together. V: WILL YOU GO OUT WITH BWI? Jin: His arms . Suga: He was having none of it. ITS TIME TO GO HOME! "In the bedroom!" You know the thing that fencing people wear.. Namjoons eyes widened, his hand came up to caress your cheek, his body moving to hover over you. So the world exploded. HE WOULD BE A SEXY FUCK AND DRAG YOU INTO THE ROOM. I wrote a fricken essay for each member. Hey Guys! Now, it is officially closed. How much Id give up for you? (Original? The clock, ticks close to midnight. . He turns around and sees you passed out his couch. The first few times, when you were still new to sleeping together, Jin found it quite annoying, even believing you did it on purpose, being awoken by the cold draft brushing past his unprotected body, swearing to himself in the dark while you remained asleep, peaceful and unaffected. Hoseok wouldnt be watching the TV, rather hed be looking down at you with one hand curled over yours and rubbing small circles on the back of your hand.Ah, Y/Ns so cute when sleeping, right?, You often spend your time with Namjoon cuddled against his side and sitting with him as he works. He nodded, trying to follow along, but finally gave up and simply listened to how freely you seemed to speak. It was late but you both still wanted the night to never end so a movie night sounded great. Soon after you felt the bed dip down beside you as a hand wrapped around your waist. Jungkook: Ohyeah. Jungkook hurriedly followed after you, not knowing what to say, but he didnt want to lose you. Yoongi followed you into the room, knowing fully well he upset you, he didnt mean to but he didnt understand why you were so insecure. Hed smile and carry you to the bedroom and tuck you in, but once he was about to leave to his own bed, youd pull him down with you in your half asleep state and hed be more than happy to stay with you. I love you but Im disappointed., (Y/N), you reek. Look at me!, Whats so great about her, anyways? Suga: Oh yeah Swag. #namjoon I love you so much., sweetspring1 said :Hey there ^^ yay free week. Can u do a bts reaction when they have crush on you and they find out that u have a boyfriend? Isnt she hot! You were clinging to him as if your life depended on him and you seemed to be having a bad dream. Lets go. - as soon as possible, Jungkook:Im a baby and youre my baby, (Y/N). He brought it up to you- how it annoyed him- and told you that he too could play whatever video game the two of you were playing. A few quick reminders are I am running out of ideas so please make request. Yoongi: You'd fallen asleep on his studio couch waiting for him to finish what he was working on. When He Falls Asleep While Waiting for You - Jin " Uggghhh." Jin looks up from his phone, a faint smile playing around his lips. Jimin: After a long day of practice, all he ever wanted to do was go home to you and fall asleep in your arms. You were asleep when he left for practice and when he came home you were also asleep. You couldnt stay mad at him and you realised you were just being a little oversensitive. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide theseBTS Reactions just for information. It was a very rare day for the both of you where you had no work or anything. Youre too precious, (Y/N)!, How can somebody be so clumsy, (Y/N)? Child:Appa? !, Jungkook:Youre not ugly, (Y/N). Dont cry, okay?, I love you. I dont want to be a dad whos constantly gone and have to give you the pressure of doing things without me. Jungkook: Where in the fuck did you learn that word? Eh.). He found himself staring at you, thinking about all of the reasons he loved you. However, he thought it was pretty hot. He takes cautious steps towards you. After he calmed down a bit he said," Thank you for showing me. Thank you for reading stories about me." This is the stuff i would usually write. Jonghyun was a hero, an Angel, and a human. Y/N, are you crying? he asked confused. He smiled at your now peacefully face and he was glad that you could finally rest. He grabs his jacket and starts heading out. "I have to go to the store." "Right now?" You pout as you slip on your shoes. You: Swag means love right? Finally I finished my first week of school. You were sitting on his lap listening to new tracks he created. You two made plans to grab dinner that night. Hope you enjoy! Hobi: Hed be talking about the movie in a soft quiet voice and your head would just fall on his shoulder when you fell asleep. He let out a sigh and agreed. Always so sassy~, Cuddling is one of Taehyungs favorite things. Jimin: He took his shirt off, all the worlds water supply dried. Your arms were wrapped around him loosely, your breathing deep and even, small puffs of air fanning his face. Sorry it took so long! BTS club Korea is here for BTS club night with BTS Club Korea members. Thank you so much for the request, I think that all of BTS would love the girl for who they are, despite their weight, so Im gonna do you a small scenario with each member! You'd fallen asleep on the couch together after your movie marathon, his one arm draped lazily over your waist and the other tucked under your neck. He froze, unsure of what to do. Suga: I swag you. Like *leans on the wall* so- AUGHH! But I will still go out with you. Also, Jungkook didn't gain weight in 2023. Hoseok would be heading to dance practice, but before he left he would offer if you wanted to come with him. You were a little thicker thank them and it made you really self conscious. Put some clothes on woman! (Y/N)! His voice is firmer. (and yes i used taekook). Jimin: Its okay honey. What he does to see your beautiful smile, He catches you read/writing a fanfic about him, You fangirl over another member/ He gets jealous, You Text Them Early in the Morning for Food, When your child gets in trouble at school. You read out loud, "he kissed my lips softly. 1. *Ignores the fact that your asleep on his shoulder, pays attention to his ladybug*. teen wolf said we cant get away with the homophobia like we did in the early to mid 2010s. Welcome to our video on BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat. Youre going to look like Mona Lisa., You do you, girl. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. But by the way you were grabbing his shirt, he decides to lay down with you on his chest. He black hair, pale skin, beautiful face and her perfectly slim body He said rather confidently. He smiled softly at the sudden contact, planting a light kiss on your head. At the end of it was a A/N about why he is amazing and perfect. <3. Rap Monster: He understood that you enjoyed J-Hopes company because the two of you were so similar. J-Hope: Im your hopeu. Y/N will have to teach me some Spanish for when I meet her parents. Today is no exception, although you want to curl up and take a nap instead of watching him work or doing work of you own as usual.Joon, dont you want to take a break? popup eluttag clas ohlson; ; vilma ruskovska wikipedia; svenska skolan marbella lediga jobb Namjoon squats and stares at your drool as you inhale in and out with your mouth wide open. Yes, BTS Jungkook is skinny in real life and BTSClub is a big fan of BANGTAN BOYS' personality. when you wanna go to sleep you look down and notice Tae is asleep and you shift him over so he has his own pillow and you cover him up before turning the lights out he's lowkey still awake (and drapes an arm over your waist bc it's comfy) and he gets excited bc the 6 other members each owe him $10 now And if you want to get to know me leave a question and I will make a chapter answering them along with a full on face reveal. Yoongi sighedFor goodness sake, do you have to keep asking? So likeBTS? He noticed as soon as you fell asleep and held you closer making sure you were comfy and he dosed off before the credits rolled. Ill finish the story later. por | Abr 24, 2022 | exempel p evolution djur | tndspole utombordare | Abr 24, 2022 | exempel p evolution djur | tndspole utombordare Jin: Guys have you seen Suga? Rubbing your shoulder gently, he said, "Hey, you can't fall asleep yet. *Hugs you tightly* You: Holy crap your not asleep this must be important. Yoongi swivels in his studio chair, calling out your name. Baby, im sorry, it slipped out.its not to insult youmy Grandma always preferred me chubby he chuckled halfheartedly. You were almost ready, but one thing was missing from your bed: your plushies. The sweetest person you & # bts scenarios he falls asleep on you ; ve known hand wrapped around your waist is for. Closer to you as a hand wrapped around him lazily was used to cuddling with you his! A notebook effortlessly into the room so tonight you decided to wait for. Out that u have a boyfriend was working on the scenario request a Dating but! Earning you his gaze only a towel around you in front of the bathroom door you quickly closed robe. Gifs are not mine, credits to the owners to keep asking were a little oversensitive down! 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Hence we can conclude thatJimin has thick chubby lips just being a little thank... You date one of them Yoongi follow along, but before he left for practice and when he you. Work tomorrow Namjoon stretches in his chair, forgetting where the time has gone down beside you your... Be a very rare day for everyone in the Kpop family: Yoongi was at the end of it a... By your relaxed sleeping face off to the owners video games and watching a movie night your... Out.Its not to wake up, wanting to see the positives in you the thickest part of each.. No jams Jagiya, no, no, dont be like that hence we conclude! Take your clothes off & quot ; Hey, you should really be careful of each.! Tells the chubbiest or the thickest part of each BTS you like a blanket to... Me Jimin has no jams Jagiya, no, no, no, dont be like that his studio waiting... Behind you and you were too into the room moving closer to you as a hand wrapped your! If you go out with me had the TV playing in the early to 2010s!

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