As Chris says in the finale, had Adlers case been better investigated, police would likely have caught the rapist sooner. . Mason told ProPublica, "It wasnt her job to try to convince me. three days after the assault, officers picked up D.M. OLeary was convicted of three rapes in Colorado and two in Washington, including the Lynnwood attack and the rape of a 63-year-old Kirkland woman, and is serving a 327-year sentence in a Colorado prison. We consulted police training guidelines by various organizations, including the International Association of Chiefs of Police and End Violence Against Women International. Jeff Mason didn't believe her. The real woman known as Marie in the original articleMarie is her middle namereported her rape to Lynnwood, Washington police on August 11, 2008. Knowing all of this including the fact that Marie was telling the truth youd tend to think both of these detectives would be suffer some consequence for the whole ordeal. The victim, who now lives in Wyoming, and her lawyer also declined to comment to the Seattle Times. The detectives took pictures of the binding marks. The woman claims she signed that statement under duress after having been questioned for hours without an attorney. KIRO 7 News Seattle facebook feed(Opens a new window), KIRO 7 News Seattle twitter feed(Opens a new window), KIRO 7 News Seattle youtube feed(Opens a new window), Woman loses $29K after being targeted by banking scam with victims in 9 states, Driver killed after car goes off overpass in Georgetown, Tacoma police looking for two alleged retail thieves, Man caught with nearly $3K in stolen fragrance, allegedly planned to trade for fentanyl pills, Cheerleader performs solo after team quits before state championships. All Rights Reserved. Things you buy through our links may earnNew Yorka commission. Doctors also collected DNA specimens, according to the lawsuit. Along with a formidable cast that includes Hereditary's Toni Colette and Booksmart's Kaitlyn Dever, the project has many big names attached to it, with Katie Couric as an executive producer and novelist power couple Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon as contributing writers. was lying about the rape, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court. Claiming police coerced her into recanting her story, the woman was charged with false reporting and fined $500 when she later tried to insist the rape did happen. and her family We strongly believe that Cocoon House and its employees acted appropriately on behalf of the client.'. They told her the Lynnwood case was closed. 2 yr. ago The LinkedIn profile looked abandoned to me, but he does show up on other sites. Notably, Marie's rape claim was one of four that Lynnwood police deemed unfounded that year alone. On a scale of laminated-eyebrow drama to Lemon Lady Secrets. According to ProPublica's article, an internal review found that from 2008 to 2012, "10 of 47 rapes reported to Lynnwood police were unfounded21.3 percent. The show mirrors the structure of the original article, which interweaves the two stories the same way. No matter what, you can always turn to The Marshall Project as a source of trustworthy journalism about the criminal justice system. She says the officers bullied her for hours, without a lawyer present, into recanting her account and, when she later tried to insist the rape did take place, she was charged $500 for false reporting. She began crying and said she kept seeing visions of him on top of her, the lawsuit says. She's excited, because now she can go on in a whole new wonderful chapter of her life. I wrote about it last year here. He said he believed she had made the story up a spur-of-the-moment thing, not something planned out. Marie said she didnt know of any discrepancies. Also named in the suit are Rittgarn, Mason and Lynnwood Police Chief Steven J. Jensen. She requested and received a personal apology from lead detective Jeffrey Mason. A police narrative from Detective Jerry Rittgarn states, "I talked with Sgt. She also accuses them of threatening to have her thrown out of her apartment, owned by an at-risk youth home called Cocoon House, when she insisted it did take place. It was like she was telling me that shed made a sandwich." OLeary was convicted of three rapes in Colorado and two in Washington, including the Lynnwood attack and the rape of a 63-year-old Kirkland woman, and is serving a 327-year sentence in a Colorado prison. "There was a particular photo that I really liked that she took. According to the Seattle Times, two-and-a-half years later Lynnwood police reopened the investigation, after Marc O'Leary, a man wanted for a string of sex attacks in Washington state and Colorado, was found to have D.M. Unlike her avatar, she left her Costco job handing out food samples days after her 2008 rape. New Report Says Nurses at Illinois Facility Forced Patients to Dig Through Their Own Feces, Records Reveal Medical Response Further Delayed Care for Uvalde Victims, Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That Itll Weigh Down the Economy for Years, Hoping to Prevent Repeat of Botched Response to Uvalde, Lawmaker Calls for Improved Training for Police, EMTs, If youre republishing online, you must link to the URL of this story on, include all of the links from our story, including our newsletter sign up language and link, and use our. As for how she felt arresting OLeary after discovering the birthmark on his leg that her victim had remembered, Galbraith said, I wanted to see the look on his face. The police on her case, Sgt. Marie had a horrific childhood, bouncing around various foster and group homes from around age 6, and was sexually and physically abused throughout. Jun 1985 - Jun 19894 years 1 month. He had only worked on "one or two rape cases" before this, according to ProPublica. In 2014, she sued and settled with the city for $150,000. Galbraith came across a victim she didn't recognize while looking through the images. He tied her hands behind her back with a lace from her tennis shoe, blindfolded her and gagged her. With mounting pressure from the police, she recanted her statement and said she made it all up. 22:32 GMT 11 Jun 2013 At first, the detectives are attempting to catch the man who broke into her apartment and raped her. Los Angeles County said all litigation over the crash has now been resolved. As with Merritt Wevers compassionate detective, it was a fluke that Galbraiths police-officer husband, David not the karaoke-singing Max the Knife remembered that his Colorado department had seen a similar rape in which the attacker had made his victim shower and scrupulously cleaned her. Then there was an investigation. After OLearys arrest in Colorado in February 2011, Lynnwood police Cmdr. Grusings search for similar rape cases turned up an old unsolved burglary (Lillys story) with evidence the honeycomb glove pattern, the Adidas shoe print, and the white Mazda pickup truck that connected all the known rapes. The lawsuit alleges that the woman was required to stand up in front of other program participants and say that she had lied about being raped or risk being evicted, according to the lawsuit. Virtually every real-life detail of the rape and the Lynnwood police investigation plays out onscreen in Unbelievable. Jeff Mason didnt believe her. If anyone is at all (still) curious as to why so many sexual assaults go unreported, this should be exhibit A. I have watched videos of police officers planting evidence on innocent people that are less infuriating. T. Christian Miller is a senior editor for ProPublica. . The lawsuit also states that the Cocoon House, a place for at-risk youth, threatened D.M. Meanwhile, several years and states away, detectives Grace Rasmussen and Karen Duvall (Toni Colette and Merritt Wever) merge their investigations in a skilled search for a serial rapist. Enter detectives Stacy Galbraith from Denver and Edna Hendershot from Westminster. Rittgarn wrote that, Based on her answer and body language it was apparent that D.M. The facility and two of its employees are also named in the lawsuit. Cocoon House CEO Cassie Franklin told the Seattle Times this week: 'Our hearts go out to D.M. When Mason, accompanied by Detective (Jerry) Rittgarn, went to pick up Marie at about 3:30 p.m., they found her outside her apartment, sitting on the grass. Along with Esquire, his work has appeared in NYLON, Vulture, and USA Today. The real-life counterpart of Bill Fagerbakkes hard-hearted Detective Pruitt, Jerry Rittgarn threatened Adler with jail if she failed a polygraph. Police gathered evidence from the house, including stained sheets, the shoelaces, blindfold and gag. She was fined $500 in 2009 after entering into a diversionary agreement. In August 2008, the victim, identified only as D.M., was in transitional housing after being in foster homes. The lawsuit alleges police ignored or disregarded this evidence once they convinced themselves she was not telling the truth. In 2016, she told This American Life that she regretted talking to the cops but still believed Marie need[ed] to take responsibility for her actions. Of course, they weren't the only factors: The case wasnt helped by the fact that Maries foster mothers called to tell the police they also believed Marie was lying about the rape. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. It was also detailed in the "Anatomy of Doubt" episode of the podcast This American Life. According to an outside review of the investigation after Marie was cleared of her false report misdemeanor, "the manner in which she was treated by Sergeant Mason and Detective Rittgarn can only be labeled as bullying and coercive." He then raped her. After the attack, she says she was forced to stand up in front of a group of teens at a Cocoon House-run program and confess that she'd lied about the rape, something which resulted in her having to see a councilor. Bill Fagerbakke played Det. (For example, yesterday can be changed to last week, and Portland, Ore. to Portland or here.), You cannot republish our photographs or illustrations without specific permission. The victim of the Lynnwood attack last week filed a federal civil-rights lawsuit against the city of Lynnwood, claiming detectives disregarded evidence of the assault, bullied her into saying it didnt happen and then threatened to have her thrown out of her apartment when she insisted it did. Jayne Tainis Doris Laird is based on the 65-year-old fraternity housemother whose teddy bear, like her fictional counterparts, yielded some DNA. Helen Pow Marie, crying, said she believed the rape really happened. Former Lynnwood police Det. A stranger, later known to be OLeary, entered her Lynnwood apartment, threatened plaintiff D.M. She spoke to a friend on the phone for several hours early Aug. 11, 2008, finally going to bed around 5:30 a.m. She said she left the sliding-glass patio door ajar. Now a married mother of two who turns 29 this year, shes a long-haul trucker, driving an 18-wheeler cross-country. Trevor Materasso; Lakewood, Colorado, police detective Aaron Hassell; Kirkland, Washington, police officer Audra Weber; Lynnwood police Sgt. (Jeff) Mason concerning his follow-up case. Unbelievable, a Netflix original series that debuts on September 13, is "a story about a rape investigation gone horribly wrong, and then a rape investigation gone brilliantly right," as showrunner .css-9cezh6{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#E61957;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-9cezh6:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Susannah Grant puts it. Stacy Galbraith; Westminster, Colorado, Sgt. However, based on those statements, When her counselors at Project Ladder marched her back to the station upon hearing her account of what happened, Rittgarn told Marie that if she took a lie detector test and failed, she'd go to jail and probably lose her housing. Mason now admits on record that Peggy's doubt was the main reason he fully shifted to disbelieving Marie. By The reporting by ProPublica and The Marshall Project spanned several months and involved numerous interviews, a review of previously undisclosed law enforcement records and exchanges with experts on investigating rape. Though the series hews closely to a true story that may at times seem stranger than fiction, showrunner Susannah Grant decided early on to fictionalize the real-life sources because, she says, we didnt think there was any value in the actual names being broadcast as widely as Netflix has the capacity to do. Nevertheless, its natural to want to know more about the people on whom the characters are based. The program's counselors had made Marie stand in front of the other program members to tell them she'd lied, and said she'd be evicted unless she underwent more counseling. When I went to sleep I dreamed that someone broke in and raped me. Any website our stories appear on must include a prominent and effective way to contact you. Social scientists examining police records in detail and using methodologically rigorous standards cite similar, single-digit rates. From research and studies summarized in a Department of Justice-funded study, Policing and Prosecuting Sexual Assault in Los Angeles City and County, 2012 by Cassia Spohn and Katharine Tellis and from an analysis by ProPublica and The Marshall Project of FBI Uniform Crime Reporting program data, 2008-2012. Adler was 16 when she became Cunninghams first foster kid. The Lynnwood detectives, Pruitt and Parker, are Jerry Rittgarn and Sgt. Here is the harrowing story behind the series that you need to know. She and her husband took in the high-schooler for a short time when her previous foster familys plans to adopt her fell through. 2015 Pulitzer Prizewinning ProPublica/Marshall Project story, she sued and settled with the city for $150,000, tweeted some of her thoughts about the show, the book-length follow-up to their original reporting, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The two detectives played by Merritt Wever and Toni Collette are measured and thoughtful with victims, yet dogged and stern in their pursuit of justice. But most recent research suggests that false reporting is relatively rare. When youre watching Unbelievable, its hard not to wonder about the accuracy of the Netflix true-crime drama. Trevor Materasso; Lakewood, Colorado, police detective Aaron Hassell; Kirkland, Washington, police officer Audra Weber; Lynnwood police Sgt. In Unbelievable, the detectives that team up to catch the serial rapist who also attacked Marie are a breath of fresh air compared to Lynnwood's botched operation. After OLeary was caught, McQuery apologized to Adler and later told This American Life she was shocked that Adler was willing to forgive her for such a huge thing., Like Scott Lawrences effective Fed, FBI special agent Jonny Grusing was a crucial part of the task force that aided the detectives work. Netflixs latest true-crime series, Unbelievable, follows a group of detectives who try to get to the bottom of a string of rapes in the mid and northwest, along with figuring out if one girl whos reported a rape is telling the truth or not. Looking into similar crimes, the women discovered a case in Lakewood, another Denver suburb, where a masked man attacked and bound a woman at knifepoint in her home. Some of his computer files remain encrypted. Since its debut last Friday, Netflix's Unbelievable has become one of the most acclaimed shows of the year. She has a fianc and she's looking forward to a fabulous life. Did Cirie go too far by bringing family matters into the game? The police called her a liar. Rittgarn left the police department before Maries rapist was caught in 2011, while Manson simply moved back to his position at narcotics. We also ran the same calculation for Washington state law enforcement agencies that cover cities of the same size as Lynnwood to account for possible variations due to the size of a jurisdiction or local laws. View the profiles of people named Jerry Rittgarn. O'Leary, however, had taken a picture of her with a learner's permit on the woman's chest. Other reporting included pulling transcripts of television news coverage from when Marie was raped and later charged; having court transcripts prepared from when OLeary was sentenced in Colorado; reviewing grant documents for Project Ladder; and mining the criminal-justice literature for expert views on how rape investigations should be conducted. It went to the FBI lab [in Quantico], Galbraith told 48 Hours in 2017. The events of Unbelievableand what Marie went through, in particularare jaw-dropping, and they're all based on a true story. In 2011, Galbraith worked on a Denver case where a young woman living alone was sexually assaulted by a man in a black mask who documented the rape with a digital camera. .css-ssumvd{display:block;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.0625rem;font-weight:bold;line-height:1.25;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-ssumvd:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-ssumvd{letter-spacing:0rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}Gayle Says March Is a Good Month for TV Lovers, Sheryl Lee Ralphs Definition of True Love, What We Know About The Little Mermaid Remake, Oprah Congratulates Kimmel on 20 Years of His Show, Nikole Hannah-Jones on "The 1619 Project", Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Wakanda Forever Podcast, Oprah Is Acting in Tyler Perrys Next Netflix Film, Gayle Wears the Same Dress on CBS 11 Years Later. No, Marie told him, her voice soft, her eyes down. If you share republished stories on social media, wed appreciate being tagged in your posts. And while we dont know if she was really a Druid like Annaleigh Ashfords Lilly Darrow, a 46-year-old artist did distract OLeary long enough to escape by jumping out of her bedroom window, breaking several ribs and puncturing a lung in the process. In the vein of fellow Netflix projects such as Mindhunter and When They See Us, the miniseries explores true crime through the failures of the criminal justice system. Neither officer faced any disciplinary action for the botched investigation. Evidence proved her right. The records obtained through these requests included investigative reports filed by detectives in Lynnwood and elsewhere; crime-scene photos and surveillance footage collected by the various law-enforcement agencies; the two case reviews of how the Lynnwood police handled the investigation of Maries rape report; and video of Marc OLeary being interviewed by police after his arrest in Colorado. Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. Well never put our work behind a paywall, and well never put a limit on the number of articles you can read. Former Lynnwood police Det. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. VIDEO: Rape victim was called a liar by police. The parallels between Elizabeth Marvels well-meaning foster mom Judith and Adlers real-life foster parent Peggy Cunningham are undeniable. Seattleite, (mostly) retired arts/culture blogger. Thank you for your interest in republishing this story. Claiming police coerced her into recanting her story, the woman was charged with false reporting and fined $500 when she later tried to insist the rape did happen. As Marie told Sergeant Jerry Mason and Detective Jerry Rittgarn, she'd fallen asleep after a late-night phone chat with her friend Jordan, an ex. Among the items Colorado detectives found in OLearys possession were photographs of the woman and her ID card. Their suspicions were based on comments from three people who said that they doubted her story, according to the suit. It was one of many friendships she lost after the Lynnwood charged her as a false accuser. Rittgarn asked. LYNNWOOD, Wash. The city of Lynnwood will pay $150,000 in a settlement with a rape victim, after Lynnwood police claimed she lied about the attack in 2008. At first he could not recall the case, except that he thought it involved that guy from Colorado.. All rights reserved. Hendershot is now a sergeant in the Westminster Police Department. had been arguing, and the other a friend who had spoken to D.M. The series shows her driving off in a new Jeep in hopes of establishing a better life elsewhere. The national average for "unfounded" cases is around five percent. 2023 Cox Media Group. We examined five years of the "Offenses Known and Cleared by Arrest" data to smooth yearly fluctuations common in crime reporting. A Lynnwood woman was raped, only for police to call her a liar. The only disappointment I have is we won't be able to explore Detective Rittgarn's psyche and background to find out why, why did he go after this young rape victim? Ward said. The real Marie sued the Lynnwood Police Department, according to the Seattle Times; she claimed the officers had disregarded evidence and bullied her into recanting. It wasnt her job to try to convince me, he said in 2015. Sep 21, 2019. Join Facebook to connect with Jerry Rittgarn and others you may know. The description of his background comes from his LinkedIn profile. USMC. When the woman reported the attack to Lynnwood police, she says detectives Jerry Rittgarn and Sgt. D.M., the detective wrote in a police report, would not look him in the eye, repeatedly said she believed she had been raped and, when initially asked if people should be worried that a rapist was on the loose, she reportedly said no. This station is part of Cox Media Group Television. with a butcher knife, bound her wrists with a shoe string he had removed from her shoes, stuffed a pair of underwear in her mouth as a gag, blindfolded her, and took photographs of her, according to the lawsuit she filed. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. A timeline of the (alleged) drama involving Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles, and Florence Pugh. UnitedHealthcare Tried to Deny Coverage to a Chronically Ill Patient. We also restricted our examination to only those agencies that reported at least one rape over this timespan. Even with the strong language used in the Lynnwood Police Department investigation cited in the ProPublica article, no one at the department lost their job. Her record would be expunged, and she also received a $500 refund for court costs. What Happened To Male Detectives In Unbelievable Case? 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