A Walk Through Your Journey | Holistic Health HQ. 7 Best Ways to Avoid Chafing: How to Keep Your Privates Happy and Healthy! Learn how to easily make your own personal lubricant. We use small text files, known as cookies, to improve your experience on our website. Don't use the lube if you . Sometimes its made from used cooking oils or low grade vegetable oils. organic vanilla planifolia concentrate. Some oils and oil-based lubes can also lead to yeast infections. We use a number of different cookies for the following purposes: Functional or essential cookies are needed to enable our website to function properly and cant be switched off. After you've mixed the salt into the lye and oil mixture, leave it to cool completely, which should take 20 to 30 minutes. Citric acid balances the pH of the product to mimic the acidity of . household items that are safe for homemade lube. This Coconut Oil Chocolate Fudge Recipe is made with metabolism boosting coconut oil and antioxidant powerhouse cacao powder. 1 teaspoon vegetable glycerine = 1 teaspoon coconut oil. Allow the mixture to cool. For the sake of your health, you might be curious about trying a more natural, simple alternative to the typical KY Jellies you buy. Is it 1tbsp melted beeswax? After all, an adverse reaction can really ruin the romantic moodand you dont want to end up getting an infection or irritating your skin. If neither of you have STDs, spit is safe, but if youre not sure, dont use your own spit. Learning About Your Nutritional Coach, What is Holistic Health? Creating, researching and writing content for Cannaconnection, alongside several other industry-related publications, he uses strong technical SEO skills and diligent research to bring evidence-based material to thousands of unique visitors. However, its a good idea to consult with a medical professional before you experiment with applying almond oil to genitals. A lot of people add the water and xanthan gum on a pan with low heat and stir it there, which will take less time. Directions. I also encourage you to get creative and use my recipe as inspiration for some fun homemade lubricant recipe experimentation: Want to make it edible? Yes, you can make your own natural lube in your kitchen. 3 - Coconut Oil. You mentioned not to use this on latex condoms. There are also harmful ingredients in commercial lubes such as phenoxyethanol, parabens, and propylene glycol which can compromise not only the health of your genitals, but your overall health as well. It works well and is safe, however, be careful with the consistency, as it can become gluey and thick, and this could create a lot of friction (which is the opposite of what you want in a lube). Just keep it in the original package, otherwise you might find yourself explaining what the suspicious white powder is to airport security As long as you have access to clean water at your destination, you never need to worry about running out of lube again! Shes on a mission to help people discover a vibrant healthy lifestyle using cannabis, food and movement. The good news is, its just as safe and effective as youre thinking it would be. Vegetable Glycerin Benefits. If the idea of rubbing eggs on yourself scares you, unfortunately using this ingredient for lube doesnt offer much in the way of comfort. This means its a lot more susceptible to irritation, and its easier to hurt yourself. Open the jar and allow to cool for at least an hour. 8 Best Lubricants for All-Natural Sex. HACCP & GMP certified. Shake occasionally for best results. The risk is greatest among those who are prone to recurring yeast infections. The vegetable glycerin is a natural humectant, attracting moisture to the skin without being greasy, and the rose hydrosol is skin nourishing. Mix 1-part aloe vera gel with 5 drops of lavender essential oil or peppermint essential oil, as well as 1-part flaxseed oil. I always measure solid because its easier that way for me, but it all ends up being the same no matter how you do it. When the 21 days are over, strain the liquid into a bottle through a coffee filter. If I buy any it is usually SPG Lube It is Great stuff! Finally, you should add anywhere between half a cup to 2 or 3 cups of water, depending on how much you want to make. Hi Jaz,I also use the DoTerra oils & think Ill try this with the Passion EO . (Read more about why lubricants are so harmful, So heres my super simple recipe for my homemade lubricant. pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in an aqueous (water based) solution. Ricki Heller. The fun about creating your own e-liquid recipes is in experimenting with the different ratios to strike the perfect balance. It is made use of as a lube, humectant, and also solvent in soap and is a risk-free product to consume. In a double boiler or heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water, melt the vegetable glycerin. Sugar is a carbohydrate and glycerin, strangely enough, is an alcohol. My doctors say it is safe to use. Do not use salt internally, however, because it will draw water out of your anal tissues at a time when theyre already stressed and dehydrated. Theres a lot of options out there for you to create homemade lube thats completely safe. Heat to 275 degrees F (134 degrees C), or until a small amount of syrup dropped from a spoon forms hard but pliable threads. Primally Inspired is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Oops you are right! Let the mixture sit overnight before using it. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid and lauric acid which are all well documented to prevent yeast, bacteria and is considered an effective anti fungal, too. Remove from heat and let cool completely until hardened. Glycerin It is an alcohol that your body metabolizes as a carbohydrate. 2. are Vaseline, aloe vera, and coconut oil. Now, go out and experiment. The 3 ingredients are relatively inexpensive and will easily last your months or years. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Fetish Versus Kink: A Kinksters Perspective, The five different kinds of lube to consider for fisting, Lidocaine: A little help for longer play The Handyman, Review: The Boots in Antwerp The Handyman, Event Review: Fetish/Leather Pride 2018 in Antwerp, for very thick lube, that you might want to use for toy play: two tablespoons of powder per cup of water, for less viscous lube, such as for depth play: one and a half tablespoon of powder per cup of water. Before you try anything new, check in with yourself and your partner to make sure that: Neither of you have allergies, and that there is no risk youll be allergic to any of the products that youll be introducing to both of your bodies, You do not use products that contain any kind of glycerin or sugar, as this can increase your likelihood of having a yeast infection. *Important Note: Coconut oil can break down latex and may make latex condoms ineffective. Place all of the ingredients into the Magical Butter machine and secure the lid. 55 Comments. Some examples based on J lube: Obviously for K Lube you will be using a lot less. I tried my immersion blender and it didnt work at all was just a mess! Im not going to give you a definitive list here, but rather walk you through the decisions you need to make in order to figure out your own recipe based on your needs. I . My grandma used to say that theres more than one way to skin a cat. I would not want it be inside of me. Ive seen a post about making coconut dots to use in oil pulling. For the sake of your health, you might be curious about trying a more natural, simple alternative to the typical KY Jellies you buy. Some household items that are safe for homemade lube include: As you can see, you have lots of options. Apply to the under-eye area with a cotton pad and gently massage in. Againdo not use this if you use condoms. Once its boiling, take it off heat and whisk until all the lumps are completely gone. Cool idea! There many ways to improve on the basic water-and-powder recipe. This liquid is used as a lubricant emollient and humectant in various cosmetics and skin care products. 1-2 parts aloe vera gel. Vegetable Glycerin is naturally viscous, colorless, and odorless. This way, you can ensure that youre not allergic to the latex that naturally occurs in aloe vera (and if you already know you have a latex allergy, you should steer clear of aloe in the first place). The more space there is for the mix of liquid and powder to shake in, the better the mixing will be and the less lumps you will have left. For this type of home ingredient, whether you reach for it or not may just depend on your intentions for the moment. 4. you can use to make a lube alternative at home. Cover the area with a bandage. 4. A warning: some people actually have a reaction to aloe vera thats pretty severe. also could doterra whisper essential oil be added for the scent instead of your recommended synergy oil? Save the cheesecloth bag of leftover material and make a batch of. Be sure to save the larger bud pieces that remain; these can be used later. . Even if you decide on making a tincture, theres a world of options. The root Nagaimo is commonly known as Chinese yam, and when its cooked, it has a very slippery texture. Heat the mixture for 2 minutes or until the coconut oil melts. For vegetable glycerin, common sources include triglyceride-rich vegetable fats, such as soy, coconut, and palm oils. One other question Im new to making anything with beeswax. Not only because it is much cheaper than relying on Vetgel or J-Jelly, but because you can also make lube according to your taste and the occasion. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring to mix in butter. There are just about as many ways to do it as there are people making it. This will melt into a slippery oil when it comes into contact with your body. Set your temperature to 130F and then press the 4 HOUR TINCTURE button. 2. These items include: which may seem like a no-brainer at first because its delicious and slippery. Also, cleaning the blades after was a chore. There many ways to improve on the basic water-and-powder recipe. What do you think about how much to use per session? I love being able to use as much lube as I want without worrying about how expensive it is. I think the 1 teaspoon would be perfect for this. There are a few household products youre likely to have in your closet or in your pantry that are great, natural alternatives to store-bought lubricant. (Read more about why lubricants are so harmful HEREand HERE). I will go back in and add it Thanks for pointing that out to me! The point is that you can do so many things with cannabis. Some more exotic additions are either natural or artificial relaxants, antiseptics, or analgesics. 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Glycerin is often used in personal lubricants typically those that are water-based. Depending on when I will be using the lube, I might use more tepid water for the remainder, but if Im not in a rush I will still use the hottest water I can. If it does, or if youre still nervous, you can consult with your doctor to ask if its okay to use a specific product or recipe for homemade lube. Recently calf bottles in varying sizes have become popular, but many men dont actually know how to use them. Get yourself a baby bottle brush. aloe vera. I dont know about you, but I dont want any of those toxic ingredients down in those parts. I use Doterra so this blend isnt an option for me. There are many reasons you might be interested in making your own lube (beyond being in a desperate situation where youre with your partner and you run out, and you had no idea you were low on lube). Hi Maggie, I think thats such a great idea! You can allow all or manage them individually below. Your email address will not be published. Vegetable glycerin may act as a moisturizer, reduce skin irritation, protect against infection and boost wound healing. Ive never heard of that before. Next add 3 drops each of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood and geranium essential oils. One of the most important things to know is to avoid oils if you or your partner use condoms; oil can corrode the latex of the condom, which leads it to be less effective. The second question is easier to answer: I use the hottest water I can get from the tap. Vegetable glycerin is gentle on skin, making it a popular ingredient in baby products, as well as in products for the elderly and sensitive skin individuals. thank you for this. 2. I doubled the batch and it only filled a 4 oz jar , which I think is a much better size than an 8 oz. Anything that contains sugar is definitely not recommended as well, because sugar can cause yeast infections. Pour the water in a heat-safe glass container, then add 2 tablespoons of lye. There are a few household products youre likely to have in your closet or in your pantry, that are great, natural alternatives to store-bought lubricant. Click HERE to Pin this homemade lubricant recipe on Pinterest! The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world. It's exceedingly simple and effective. The condom could even tear as its in contact with oil-based products. solvent and lubricant in personal care . I use an, jars for this homemade lubricant recipe. It has a very strong smell and you will want to use it very economically: I use about two drops in half a litre of lube. This is very, very silky! Fascinated by the wellness potential of nature, Luke has spent over a decade writing about cannabis and its vast selection of cannabinoids. Here are some of the ingredients you can use and ways you can make your own. Bring this mixture to a slow boil in a saucepan on low or medium heat. With the wide variety of options, it can be difficult to know which lube is the right one for your body, and which products to get. But, in case you aren't in the DIY mood, this is also a Diva favorite! Step 3. 10 drops of vitamin E oils. Since there is no water in coconut oil, you cant accurately measure the pH of it. Directions. Can You Use Vegetable Glycerin As Lube Or For Homemade Lube 3 Easy Recipes For All Natural Diy Personal Natural Lube 13 Products And Diys To Try Ings Avoid More . Using warm water will make the process faster. Plus, without any kind of preservative itll go bad fast. Directions: Melt the coconut oil and beeswax on your stovetop until melted using a double boiler. is it greasy/oily? Blackoot design by Iceable Themes. Coconut oil smells great and is inexpensive. Im allergic to coconut, do you have a suggestion for a substitute? There are tons of options out there and different ways to create your own natural, homemade lube. What went wrong? Cook Time. While coconut oil and olive oil may seem like no-brainers when it comes to creating homemade lube, there are. Pour liquid mixture over the herb and completely cover to fill the jar. It is not at all the same thing as sugar, which is sucrose and fructose combined (C12H22O11). Peppermint essence can also heighten some peoples sensitivity. In a double boiler, melt the cocoa butter. The beeswax will help it keep its from and not turn to liquid. A lot of homeopathic circles really believe in all the benefits that egg whites have to offer. Everyones genitals are sensitive, so its important that you find great and. For my recipe I mixed up 1 part glycerin and 2 parts distilled water and a scant teaspoon or so of witch hazel to cut down on the stickiness. These fats can be animal or vegetable. Thanks for reminding my rememberer to remember that for next time. Depending on the ingredients, you or your partner could have an allergic reaction as well. Its also a good idea to always complete a skin patch test before you use your DIY lube on your genitals. Remember that some of. The only watch out with vegetable glycerin is that because it is the byproduct of artificial compounds and a result of the manufacturing process, the integrity and quality can vary from producer to producer. Homemade Lube 3 Easy Recipes For All Natural Diy Personal [irp] Diy Personal Lubricant Going Zero Waste Remember that these were designed to be suckled, not squeezed: liquid drips when the nipple is pressed, not the bottle itself. 2. Yes, that is a great suggestion Thank you, Kathy! Additionally, studies have shown that glycerin can serve as a food source for the yeast microorganism Candida albicans, potentially causing overgrowth that leads to yeast infections. 1. Pumpkin & Peru Balsam Face Mask I start with a little water, maybe a fifth of the bottle, and give a really good shake. Coax out the trapped dirt and oil from pores with this mild, skin-friendly glycerin cleanser. This trihydric alcohol contains 99.7% glycerine vegetable, which makes it completely free from menthol, salt, water, or other impurities.

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